Sunday, July 7, 2013

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to all of our sisters with July birthdays. 

Peggy Hayes-July 6th
Tiffany Stubbs-July 6th
Becky Harward-July 11th
Celeste Watson-July 13th
Jan Davis-July 14th
Sharee Burton-July 15th
Brittney Sullivan-July 15th
Linda Lane-July 17th
Debra Styles-July 17th
Melanie Bott-July 28th

If anyone has been missed please let me know so we can make sure we can wish all of our sisters a Happy Birthday!!!

Let us reach out to all of our sisters and let them know that we really care.
Step out of your comfort zone and say hello. Reach out to one another and strengthen the bond of sisterhood. Let us become one of Spirit and of love and compassion.

Cooking Group July Update

Thursday, July 25th at 6:30pm. 
The group will be meeting at the Swensen home. Bhabbette will be demonstrating Philippine cooking; Chicken Curry and Spring Rolls. If you have any questions contact Sister Turner.