Thursday, January 24, 2013

Moms and kids are invited to come visit and play.

Sarah Millington has a weekly group held at her home for sisters, especially with young children for a chance for fellowshiping, support, play and adult conversation!! They have had a few really nice get-togethers, but fear the word is not getting out as well as necessary to encourage more to attend. If you are interested in a weekly chance for some adult conversation, please email Sarah so she can put you on her list for weekly reminders. Until further notice, they will have the activity every week.  She will let everyone know if for any reason the group will not be held during a week. Sarah has adjusted her schedule to allow for a little more time for those of you who can't come as early. The weekly group will be held: Wednesdays from 3:00-5:00 at the Millington house (209 E. Park Dr) If you have any questions, please call Sarah at 801.504.6420 Also, remember to email Sarah and get on the list: 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Group Updates

If any of the group leaders have changes to their group information please email them to or If anyone would like to start or lead a group please email or!

Listen and watch for upcoming Events

Sisters, please watch for upcoming events. We are excited for March because in March we will be celebrating each of you during the Relief Society birthday celebration!